Untitled Document
of a Next Generation Wind Resource Forecasting System for the Large-Scale Integration
of Onshore and Offshore Wind Farms."
is a EU R&D Project
(ENK5-CT-2002-00665). It aims to develop accurate models that outperform
considerably actual state-of-the-art, for onshore and offshore wind resource
forecasting (statistical and physical). Emphasis is given on integrating high-resolution
meteorological forecasts. For the offshore case, marine meteorology will be
considered as well as information by satellite-radar images. An integrated software,
ANEMOS, will be developed to host the various models. This system will be installed
by several utilities for on-line operation at onshore and offshore wind farms
for local/regional/national wind prediction. The applications are characterised
by different terrains and climates, on-/near-/off-shore farms, interconnected
or island grids. The on-line operation by the utilities will permit to validate
the models and to analyse how predictions can contribute to a competitive integration
of wind energy in the developing liberalised electricity market. (Duration:
2002.10.01 - 2006.09.30)