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ANEMOS Project. Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting: Literature on wind prediction

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 Announcement: A protocol for evaluating wind power prediction systems.

Literature on wind predictionReport Available: A Protocol for Standardizing the Performance Evaluation of Short-Term Wind Power Prediction Systems.

Public deliverable (D2.3) of the Anemos project.

Download in the Documents Section

Posted by webmaster on Friday, October 08 @ 14:22:45 CEST (1665 reads)
(Read More... | Announcement | Score: 0)

 Official documents: Publications related to the ANEMOS Project

Literature on wind prediction Untitled Document

Last update: 2007.07.18 (82 publications)


[1] Lange M., et al, 'ANEMOS - Vergleich und Verbesserung existierender europäischer Windleistungvorhersagemodelle - ANEMOS - Comparison and Improvement of Existing European Wind Power Prediction Models', Proceedings of the 2002 DEWEK Conference, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, October 23-24, 2002.


[2] Kariniotakis G., et al, "ANEMOS: Development of a next generation wind power forecasting system for the large-scale integration of onshore & offshore wind farms". Proceedings of the EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, 06-11 April 2003, Nice, France, Vol. 5, 13588.
[3] Waldl, H-P., Lange, B., Focken, U., "Special Issues Concerning Wind Power Prediction for Offshore Wind Farms", Proceedings of the European Seminar: 'Offshore Wind Energy in Mediterranean and other European Seas' OWEMES, Naples, Italy, April 12-13, 2003. (Download presentation download pdf)
[4] Kariniotakis G., et al, "ANEMOS: Development of a Next Generation Wind Power Forecasting System for the Large-Scale Integration of Onshore & Offshore Wind Farms", CD-Rom Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition EWEC 2003, Madrid, Spain, June 16-19, 2003.download pdf
[5] Giebel, G., Landberg, L., Kariniotakis, G., Brownsword, R., "State-of-the-Art on Methods and Software Tools for Short-Term Prediction of Wind Energy Production", CD-Rom Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition EWEC 2003, Madrid, Spain, June 16-19, 2003. download pdf
[6] Lange, M., Heinemann, D., "Relating the uncertainty of short-term wind speed predictions to meteorological situations with methods from synoptic climatology", CD-Rom Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition EWEC 2003, Madrid, Spain, June 16-19, 2003. download pdf
[7] Pinson, P., Siebert, N., Kariniotakis, G., "Forecasting of Regional Wind Generation by a Dynamic Fuzzy-Neural Networks Based Upscaling Approach.", CD-Rom Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition EWEC 2003, Madrid, Spain, June 16-19, 2003. download pdf
[8] Barquero, G. C., "Development of Efficient Wind Power Prediction Systems: Anemos Project. Contribution of the IDAE", CD-Rom Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition EWEC 2003, Madrid, Spain, June 16-19, 2003.
[9] Pinson, P., Kariniotakis, G., "On-line Assessment of Prediction Risk for Wind Power Production Forecasts", CD-Rom Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition EWEC 2003, Madrid, Spain, June 16-19, 2003.
[10] Navarro, J., et al, "Using the MM5 model for wind prediction in a complex terrain site." CD-Rom Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition EWEC 2003, Madrid, Spain, June 16-19, 2003.download pdf
[11] Tambke, J., Focken, U., Lange, L., Heinemann, D., "Previento meets Horns Rev - Short Term Wind Power Prediction- adaption to offshore sites", CD-Rom Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition EWEC 2003, Madrid, Spain, June 16-19, 2003. download pdf
[12] Marti, I., et al, "LocalPred and RegioPred. Advanced tools for wind energy prediction in complex terrain", CD-Rom Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition EWEC 2003, Madrid, Spain, June 16-19, 2003. download pdf
[13] Giebel, G., Kariniotakis, G., Brownsword, R., "The State-of-the-Art in Short-Term Prediction of Wind Power - From a Danish Perspective", CD-Rom Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind farms, Billund, Denmark, October 20-21, 2003. download pdf
[14] Focken, U., Lange, L., Tambke, J., Waldl, H-P, "Predicting Offshore Windpower", CD-Rom Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind farms, Billund, Denmark, October 20-21, 2003.(Download presentation download pdf)


[15] Kariniotakis, G., & the Anemos Team, "Towards Next Generation Sort-term Forecasting of Wind Power", CD-Rom Proceedings of the Global WindPower 2004 Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, March 28-31, 2004. Paper download pdf, Poster download pdf.
[16] Madsen, H., Kariniotakis, G., Nielsen, H.Aa., Nielsen, T.S., Pinson, P., "A Protocol for Standardising the Performance Evaluation of Short-Term Wind Power Prediction Models", CD-Rom Proceedings of the Global WindPower 2004 Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, March 28-31, 2004. download pdf
[17] Pinson, P., Kariniotakis, "On-line Adaptation of Confidence Intervals based onWeather Stability for Wind Power Forecasting", CD-Rom Proceedings of the Global WindPower 2004 Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, March 28-31, 2004.
[18] Pinson, P., Ranchin, T., Kariniotakis, G., "Short-term Wind Power Prediction for Offshore Wind Farms - Evaluation of Fuzzy-Neural Network Based Models", CD-Rom Proceedings of the Global WindPower 2004 Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, March 28-31, 2004.
[19] Cabezon, D., Marti, I., San Isidro, M.J., Perez., I., "Comparison of Methods for Power Curve Modelling", CD-Rom Proceedings of the Global WindPower 2004 Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, March 28-31, 2004. download pdf
[20] Pinson, P., Kariniotakis, G., "Uncertainty and Prediction Risk Assessment of Short-term Wind Power Forecasts", CD-Rom Proceedings of the Conference: The Science of making Torque from Wind, Delft, The Netherlands, April 19-21, 2004.
[21] Marti, I., San Isidro, M.J., Cabezón, D., Loureiro, Y., Villanueva, J., Cantero, E., Pérez, I., "Wind Power Prediction in Complex Terrain: From the Synoptic Scale to the Local Scale", CD-Rom Proceedings of the Conference: The Science of making Torque from Wind, Delft, The Netherlands, April 19-21, 2004. download pdf
[22] Barthelmie, R., Frandsen, S., Pryor, S. and Larsen, S., "Analytical and empirical modelling of large wind farm clusters", The science of making torque from wind - EWEA special topic conference, Delft, April 2004, 292-303.
[23] Lange, M., Tambke, J., Focken, U., Wolff, J.-O., Bye, J.A.T., "Forecasting Offshore Wind Power", CD-Rom Proceedings of the EWEA Special Topic Conference: "The Science of making Torque from Wind", Delft, The Netherlands, April 19-21, 2004.
[24] Lange, M., "On the Uncertainty of Wind Power Predictions", CD-Rom Proceedings of the EWEA Special Topic Conference: "The Science of making Torque from Wind", Delft, The Netherlands, April 19-21, 2004.
[25] Pinson, P., Kariniotakis, G., "On-line Assessment of Prediction Risk for Wind Power Production Forecasts", Wind Energy Journal, vol. 7, pp. 119-132, May-June 2004.
[26] Tambke, J., Bye, J.A.T., Lange, M., Focken, U., Wolff, J.-O., "Wind Profiles over the North Sea - Measurements compared to an Air-Sea-Interaction Model", CD-Rom Proceedings of the German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK'04, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 20-21 Oct. 2004.
[27] Kariniotakis G., Pinson, P., "Uncertainty of Short-term Wind Power Forecasts - A Methodology for On-line Assessment", CD-Rom proceedings of 8th International Conference on Probability Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2004, Ames, Iowa, USA, Sept. 12-16, 2004.
[28] Tambke, J., Lange, M., Focken, U., "Wind Power Forecasts for the North and Baltic Sea", CD-rom Proceedings of the German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK'04, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 20-21 Oct. 2004.
[29] Kariniotakis, G., et al, "The ANEMOS Project: Next Generation Forecasting of Wind Power", CD-Rom Proceedings of the 2004 German Wind energy Conference DEWEC'04, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 20-21 October 2004.
[30] Kariniotakis, G., Pinson, P., Siebert, N., Giebel, G., Bartelmie, R., " The State of the Art in Short-term Prediction of Wind Power - From an Offshore Perspective", Symposium ADEME, IFREMER, "Renewable energies at sea", Brest, France, October 20-21, 2004.download pdf
[31] Barthelmie, R.J., Giebel, G., Jorgensen, B.H and Badger, J. "Comparison of corrections to site wind speeds in the offshore environment: value for short-term forecasting", CD-Rom proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference EWEC 2004, London, UK, 22-25 Nov. 2004.download pdf
[32] Tambke, J., Bye, J.A.T., Lange, M., Focken, U., Wolff, J.-O., "Modelling Offshore Wind Profiles using Inertially Coupled Wave Boundary Layers", CD-Rom proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference EWEC 2004, London, UK, 22-25 Nov. 2004.download pdf
[33] Kariniotakis, G., I. Marti, et al, "What Performance Can Be Expected by Short-term Wind Power Prediction Models Depending on Site Characteristics?", CD-Rom proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference EWEC 2004, London, UK, 22-25 Nov. 2004.download pdf
[34] Pinson, P., Chevallier, C., Kariniotakis, G., "Optimizing Benefits from Wind Power Participation in Electricity Markets using Wind Power Forecasting Embedded with Uncertainty Management Tools", paper accepted for publication at the European Wind Energy Conference EWEC 2004, London, UK, 22-25 Nov. 2004.download pdf
[35] Kariniotakis, G., "Development of a Next Generation Wind Power Forecasting System for the Large-Scale Integration of Onshore & Offshore wind farms", In: proceedings of the 2nd IEA Joint Action Symposium on Wind Forecasting Techniques, Lyngby, Denmark, June 2004.


[36] Tambke, J., Lange, M., Focken, U., "Forecasting Offshore Wind Speeds above the North Sea", Wind Energy Journal, vol. 8, pp. 3-16, Jan -Mar. 2005.
[37] Tambke, J., Bremen, L.v., Poppinga, C., Wolff, J.-O., Bye, J.A.T., "Forecasting Wind Power above North and Baltic Sea using Combined and Refined Numerical Weather Predictions.", Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, Glasgow, 2005.
[38] Tambke, J., Bye, J.A.T., Lange, B., Wolff, J.-O., "Wind Velocity Profiles up to 100m above the North Sea - Observations compared to a Model of Wave-Coupled Ekman Layers", Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.7, 06884, 2005, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-06884.
[39] Tambke, J., Lange, M., Focken, U., Bremen, L.v., Lange, B., "Wind Speed Forecasts for the North and Baltic Sea - Verification against 10m to 100m Observations", Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.7, 10222, 2005, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-10222.
[40] Tambke, J., Poppinga, C., Claveri, L., Bremen, L.v., Graewe, U., "Quality of two different Wind Speed Forecasts for the North and Baltic Sea", Fifth Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society, Abstract-No. EMS05-A-00410, EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, ISSN 1812-7053, Utrecht, 2005.
[41] Tambke, J. T., Bye, J. A., Claveri, L., Bremen, L. v., Lange, B., Wolff, J.-O., "Wind Speeds and Momentum Fluxes in the Marine Boundary Layer of the North Sea - Predictions and 1 Year Measurements up to 100m Height", Fifth Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society,Abstract-No. EMS05-A-00254, EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, ISSN 1812-7053, Utrecht, 2005
[42] Bremen, L. v., Tambke, J., Poppinga, C., Graewe, U., Heinemann, D., "On the Decision to take forecasted or analysed Wind Speeds for the Development of statistical Wind Power Prediction Algorithms", Fifth Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society, Abstract-No. EMS05-A-00402, EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, ISSN 1812-7053, Utrecht, 2005.
[43] Tambke, J., Bye, J.A.T., Poppinga, C., Lange, B., Claveri, L., Bremen, L.v., Wolff, J.-O., "Wind Speed Profiles above the North Sea", EUROMECH Colloquium 464b Wind Energy, Oldenburg, 2005.
[44] Barthelmie, R., Giebel, G., Badger, J., "Short-term forecasting of wind speeds in the offshore environment", CD-Rom Proceedings of Copenhagen Offshore Wind 2005 Conference, Copenhagen Denmark, 26-28 October 2005. download pdf
[45] Tambke, J., Poppinga, C., Bremen, L.v., Claveri, L., Lange, M., Focken, U., Bye, J.A.T., Wolff, J.-O., "Forecasting 25GW Wind Power above North and Baltic Sea", Proceedings of the Copenhagen Offshore Wind Conference COW, Copenhagen, 2005
[46] Tambke, J., Claveri, L., Bye, J.A.T., Poppinga, C., Lange, B., Bremen, L.v., Wolff, J.-O., "Marine Meteorology for Multi-Mega-Watt Turbines". Proceedings of the Copenhagen Offshore Wind Conference COW, Copenhagen, 2005
[47] Louka, P., Galanis G., Siebert, N., Kariniotakis, G., Katsafados, P., Kallos, G. Pytharoulis, I., "Improvements in wind speed forecasts for wind power prediction purposes using Kalman filtering", CD-Rom Proceedings of the CMMSE 2005, ISBN number 84-609-4844-7
[48] Madsen, H., Kariniotakis, G., Nielsen, H.Aa., Nielsen, T.S., Pinson, P., "Standardising the Performance Evaluation of Short-Term Wind Power Prediction Models", Wind Engineering, vol 29, no. 6, pp. 475-489, December, 2005.


[49] Sánchez, I., "Recursive Estimation of Dynamic Models Using Cook's Distance", With Application to Wind Energy Forecast", Technometrics, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 61-73, 2006.
[50] Sánchez, I., "Short-term prediction of wind energy production", International Journal of Forecasting, Volume 22, Issue 1, pp. 43-56, Jan.-Mar. 2006.download pdf
[51] Tambke, J., Poppinga, C., Bremen, L. v., Claveri, L., Lange, M., Focken, U., Bye, J.A.T., Wolff J.-O., "Advanced Forecast Systems for the Grid Integration of 25GW Offshore Wind Power in Germany", (peer reviewed) Proceedings of the Scientific Track of the European Wind Energy Conference EWEC, Athens, 2006.
[52] Tambke, J., Claveri, L., Bye, J. A. T., Poppinga, C., Lange, B., Bremen, L.v., Durante, F., Wolff, J.-O., "Offshore Meteorology for Multi-Mega-Watt Turbines", (peer reviewed) Proceedings of the Scientific Track of the European Wind Energy Conference EWEC, Athens, 2006
[53] Kariniotakis, G., et al, "Next generation forecasting tools for the optimal management of wind generation", Peer reviewed, 2006 PMAPS Conference IEEE, 'Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems', Stockholm, Sweden, June 2006.
[54] Pinson, P., Juban, J., and Kariniotakis, G.N., "On the Quality and Value of Probabilistic Forecasts of Wind Generation", Peer reviewed, 2006 PMAPS Conference IEEE, 'Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems', Stockholm, Sweden, June 2006.
[55] Siebert, N., Kariniotakis, G., "Reference wind farm selection for regional wind power prediction models", In Proc. of the European Wind Energy Conference 2006, Athens, Greece, 27/2-2/3 2006.
[56] Kariniotakis, G., et al., "Next Generation Short-term Forecasting of Wind Power - Overview of the Anemos Project", In Proc. of the European Wind Energy Conference 2006, Athens, Greece, 27/2-2/3 2006.
[57] Nielsen, T.S., et al, "Advanced Statistical Modelling and Uncertainty Assessment for Wind Power Forecasting", In Proc. of the European Wind Energy Conference 2006, Athens, Greece, 27/2-2/3 2006.
[58] Giebel, G., et al "Short-term Forecasting Using Advanced Physical Modelling - The Results of the Anemos Project. Results from mesoscale, microscale and CFD modelling", In Proc. of the European Wind Energy Conference 2006, Athens, Greece, 27/2-2/3 2006.
[59] Tambke, J., et al, "Short-term Forecasting of Offshore Wind Farms Production - Developments of the Anemos Project", In Proc. of the European Wind Energy Conference 2006, Athens, Greece, 27/2-2/3 2006.
[60] Marti, I., et al, "Evaluation of Advanced Wind Power Forecasting Models - The Results of the Anemos Project", In Proc. of the European Wind Energy Conference 2006, Athens, Greece, 27/2-2/3 2006.
[61] Waldl, I., et al, "The ANEMOS Wind Power Forecasting Platform", In Proc. of the European Wind Energy Conference 2006, Athens, Greece, 27/2-2/3 2006.
[62] Pinson, P., Nielsen, H.Aa., Nielsen, T.S., Madsen, H., Kariniotakis. G., "Properties of interval and quantile forecasts of wind generation and their evaluation", In Proc. of the European Wind Energy Conference 2006, Scientific Track, Athens, Greece, 27/2-2/3 2006.
[63] Usaola, J., Angarita, J., "Benefits of short term wind power prediction programs for the integration of wind energy in electricity markets", In Proc. of the European Wind Energy Conference 2006, Athens, Greece, 27/2-2/3 2006.
[64] von Bremen, L., N. Saleck, J. Tambke, U. Graewe, D. Heinemann, "Integration of NWP Uncertainties in the Development of statistical Wind Power Forecasting Algorithms, In CD-Rom Procd. of European Wind Energy Conference EWEC'06, Athens, 2006.
[65] von Bremen, L., N. Saleck and J. Tambke, "How to avoid Biases in Offshore Wind Power Forecasting". In Procd. of OWEMES (Offshore Wind And Other Marine Renewable Energies In Mediterranean And European Seas) Conference, Civitavecchia, Italy, April 2006.
[66] von Bremen, L., "Optimal linkage of NWP Models with Neural Networks for Offshore Wind Power Predictions", CD-rom Procd. of the Sixth International workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore wind Farms, Delft, Netherlands, 26-28 October 2006.
[67] Barthelmie, R., Folkerts, L., Larsen, G., Pryor, S.C., Frandsen, S.T. and Schepers, G. "Comparison of wake model simulations with offshore wind turbine wake profiles measured by sodar", Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 23(7), 888-901, 2006.
[68] Sideratos, G., Hatziargyriou, N.D., "Application of Radial Basis Function Networks for Wind Power Forecasting", In Procd. of Artificial Neural Networks- ICANN, 16th International Conference, Athens, Greece, Part II, September 10-14, 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4132 Springer 2006, pp. 726-735.
[69] Waldl, H-P. Kariniotakis, G. for the ANEMOS Team. "Next Generation Short-Term Forecasting of Wind Power - Results of the ANEMOS Project", DEWEK 2006, CD-Rom Procd of 8th German Wind Energy Conference, Bremen, Germany, 22-23 November 2006.
[70] Kariniotakis G., "State of the art in wind power forecasting", 2nd International Conference on Integration of Renewable Energies and Distributed Energy Resources, Napa, California/USA, 4-8 December 2006.
[71] Barthelmie, R. J., Pryor, S.C., "Challenges in predicting power output from offshore wind farms", Journal of Energy Engineering, Vol. 132, No. 3, pp. 91-103, December 2006.
[72] G. Galanis, P. Louka, P. Katsafados, G. Kallos and I. Pytharoulis, "Applications of Kalman filters based on non-linear functions to numerical weather predictions", Annales Geophysicae, 24, 2451-2460, 2006.


[73] Sideratos, G., Hatziargyriou, N.D., "An Advanced Statistical Method for Wind Power Forecasting", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume: 22, Issue: 1, pp. 258-265, Feb. 2007.
[74] Guénard, V., Kariniotakis, G., Martí, I., "ANEMOS Advanced Wind Power Forecasting. Operational Challenges and On-line Performance". In CD-Rom Procd. of EWEC'07, European Wind Energy Conference 2007, Milan, Italy, 7-10 May 2007.
[75] Giebel, G., Kariniotakis, G., "Best Practice in Short-Term Forecasting. A Users Guide", In CD-Rom Procd. of EWEC'07, European Wind Energy Conference 2007, Milan, Italy, 7-10 May 2007.
[76] Pinson, P., Chevallier, C., Kariniotakis, G.N., "Optimal Strategies for Trading Wind Energy in Electricity Markets using Probabilistic Forecasts of Wind Power", IEEE Transactions of Energy Conversion, Paper no. TPWRS-00709-2006, In press, 2007.
[77] Angarita, J., Usaola, J, "Combining hydro-generation and wind energy: Biddings and operation on electricity spot markets." Available at http://www.sciencedirect.com. Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 77, Issues 5-6, April 2007, Pages 393-400.
[78] Pinson, P., Nielsen, H.Aa., Møller, J.K., Madsen, H., Kariniotakis, G.N. "Non-parametric Probabilistic Forecasts of Wind Power: Required Properties and Evaluation", Wind Energy, in press, 2007.
[79] Pinson, P., Nielsen, H.Aa, Madsen, H., Kariniotakis, G.N., "Skill Forecasting from Different Wind Power Ensemble Prediction Methods", Peer reviewed, In CD-Rom Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on: 'The Science of Making Torque from Wind', Lyngby, Denmark, 2007 (to appear).
[80] Sideratos, G., Hatziargyriou, N.D., "Using Radial Basis Neural Networks to Estimate Wind Power Production", IEEE Power Engineering Society, 2007 General Meeting, Orlando, Florida, January 8-10, 2007.
[81] Louka, P., Galanis, G., Siebert, N., Kariniotakis, G., Katsafados, P., Kallos, G., Pytharoulis, I., "Improvements in wind speed forecasts for wind power prediction purposes using Kalman filtering", submitted for publication in Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics.
[82] Sideratos, G., Hatziargyriou, N.D., "An advanced radial base structure for wind power forecasting", to appear in the International Journal of Power and Energy Systems.



Posted by webmaster on Thursday, October 02 @ 23:49:57 CEST (8428 reads)
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 Announcement: State of the Art on Short-Term Wind Power Prediction

Literature on wind predictionReport with detailed state-of-the art on short-term wind power forecasting (including 122 references).

Public deliverable (D1.1) of the Anemos project.

Download in the Documents Section

Posted by webmaster on Wednesday, September 17 @ 22:59:27 CEST (1401 reads)
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